She got a job at Apple
She got a job at Apple
She got a job at Apple because….
She was working at everydayExcel. The recruiter told her that she was shortlisted because they believed that her Excel skills must be good since she was working for us, an Excel Training company.
We are not a typical Excel Training company that trains on Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Excel. We train based on needs, the need to efficiently prepare your business reports and effectively analyze your business data. This means that we DO NOT recommend doing lots of Autofilter and copy/paste for your report. The reports must be quick to prepare and update instantly.
If the recruiter asks you whether you know Excel, do you simply answer yes or ask what do you need to do with Excel?
If your answer is simply yes and you only know the basic auto filter function, you may not meet the performance expected of you. To be proficient in Excel means you need to know CAP.
CAP refers to Clean your data source, Analyze your data, Present your analysis.
If you are not able to do it by yourself, you may risk losing your job after you got in. There may be no one to ask when you are right in there. When I was recruited in my previous jobs, I became the Excel expert in the company. And Excel skills was one of my unique selling points.
How to be good at Excel? Join our training courses where we show you how to work efficiently and effectively with Excel. And we provide after-training support as well.
If you want to be jump queue and get noticed in your job applications, equip yourself with solid Excel skills and exceed your new boss’ expectations.
#jobs #dataanalytics #performance