
Grow Your Profits Through Data Analytics and Data Modelling

Your Nett Course Fees Payable Could Be $160

The course fees is $1,600.

Since this is a WSQ course, you are eligible to take this course at the nett course fees of $400. But that is not all. 

If you employ at least 3 Singaporean Citizens (SC) or Permanent Residents (SPR) during the qualifying period, and contributed $750 of Skills Development Funds ($62.50 per month), your company is likely to qualify for the Skills Future Enterprise Credit. This means that you can utilize $1,440 and pay for 90% of the course fees. Click on the link for more detail on Skillsfuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC).

Note: This is based on the information we have gathered from your answers. You have to check with the relevant parties to confirm that you are eligible for the amount presented. 

Below is the summary of the fees payable. 

Amount Balance Remarks
Course Fees $1,600 $1,600
Skillsfuture Enterprise Credit ($1,440) $160 Click here (SFEC) to check Eligibility
Nett Fees payable $160