High Expectation
The man passed by a shop selling jigsaw puzzles and bought one for his 5 year old son. He can’t wait to give it to his son Jordan. Jordan had never played with one before.
Upon reaching home, he went straight to Jordan’s room to show him his favourite cartoon character printed on the box. Jordon’s eyes brightened up. The man quickly unwrapped the box and poured the 500 pieces of jigsaw puzzle on the floor and left him to complete it.
I bet you don’t give your son a 500 pieces puzzle to start with. You would probably give him 10 piece puzzle and show him how to put 2 pieces together. And then you would teach him how the pieces are supposed to fit together to make up the cartoon character.
And when he had completed the puzzle for the very first time with you, you would probably want him to do it again to make sure he knew how to do it all by himself.
When it comes to budgeting, most of you expect your staff to perform like an expert after they were sent for a basic Excel course.
You see, Budgeting in Excel is very similar to a jigsaw puzzle. Knowing the basic Excel skills is not enough.
Your staffs need to know the functions/formulas before they can use these functions/formulas for budgeting. This is not an easy task and it takes weeks if not months to figure out the process and put into practice.
But Jason, we don’t have time to do that. The budgeting season is starting soon.
Well if this is the case, then I am able to help. You see, I understand the problem they are facing and I know which function/formulas are needed for budgeting. And I have created a proprietary process which will be able to shorten the time taken for budgeting from a few months to just days.
This means that they don’t have to figure that out any more and they can simply learn what is necessary to get the job done. And the process they learned can be applied to other areas of their job as well once they see how it works. I won’t waste their time and yours by subjecting them to the all functions and formulas type of training which they may not use for the next 20 years.
And with a few practice which will just take only hours, they will be able to do this all on their own. How about that?
Complete the form below for a non-obligation chat with me if you value your staff time and want to have a stress free budget.
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